neljapäev, mai 24

Lubasin näidata pilte.
Aprilli keskel saabus pakk ookeani tagant. Armas sugulöane saatis käsitööna tehtud koti, mille ta oli ostnud Guatemalast.
Ja temalt sain eriti armsa sünnipäevakaardi.

As I promised I show you my new bag. My relative from US sent it to me. She brought it from Guatemala. And She sent me cutest birthdaycard.

etwinn 060
Originally uploaded by egateris

P.S. Sünnipäev oli ammu :) My birthday was month ago :) But thanks Corina and The Crafty Weasel

2 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

So, it was your birthday! Congratulation! Lovely bag.

C+SK ütles ...

Oh my goodness, that is the cutest card I have ever seen!!!!!

(Happy Birthday?!)