teisipäev, juuni 27

Pühapäeval jalutasin fotokaga kodus ja klõpsisin mõned pildid meie asjalikkest loomadest.
Siin nad on..
Sunday I made some photos. here is our animals. Here is cow Posse, she is oldest animal in our little farm. And her friends are sheeps Paul and Minni.

Posse jalutas Pauli ja Minnit. Või oli see vastupidi?
Paul ja Minni on lambad, nagu ka Manni koos oma kahe poja Karli ja Kustiga
Here is Manni (on right) with her son's Karl and Kusti.
Karl, nagu suuremale kohane, muidugi julgem ja Manni vaatab tagaplaanil väikse kahtlusega hinges, mis tehakse. Ometi on lammastel rohkem julgust kui kitsedel. Molli ja Gipsi liduvad iga! krõbina peale.

Molli and Gipsi are goats...they love to be close to people.
Igatahes sügada nad ennast ei lase, erinevalt Põnnist ja Piigast. Põnn on tänu minu talvisele karja-Mari tööle tunduvalt tüsedam, kui temast pool aastat vanem Piiga, aga no katsu sa mitte värskel piimal kosuda.

And two heifers. On the left is Põnn, she is half year younger than Piiga, but oI spoiled her with fresh milk almost half year, (when I had to milk cow's), so she is really ...mmm..big.

Tänu sellele nuumamisele on Põnn muidugi eriti suur sõber mulle. Vaeseke rikkus küll sarve murdes oma fotogeenilise välimuse, aga pildile nõustus ikka tulema.

Edit: UFO Contest

Nädalavahetusel koristasin oma käsitöötuba....ja mis selgus Leidsin veel vanema tikitud padjakatte, mis seni lõpetamist ootab. Ja seda juba 6.klassist alates so siis u 21 aastat vana :-( Masendav!

Well, at the weekend I tried to clean my crafroom and founs two very old UFO's :( This horse is year older than other cross-stitch were. And flowers are about two years younger.
Good news is that I finished my rug and I quite satisfied with it. And I'm glad that I took part of this contest.

Röömustavat niipalju, et lõpetasin vahepeal ühe asja siiski ära ka. Eelmisel pühapäeval võtsin kätte ja kudusin telgedelt maha vaiba. Tulemusega olen üsna rahul. Seega pole hullu, et eelmisel suvel juba ei lõpetanud.

reede, juuni 23

Photos from Midsummer party. Tonight is longest day and shortest night! It's time to celebrate!
Here is our bonfire and people from our village. They had great and very funny program. Best part was dance of the swans by pensioners.

Värked pildid jaanitulelt.
Pidu algas vahva eeskavaga. Väga nutikas ja naljakas tekst oli, aga kava nael oli muidugi kohalikke memmede esitatud luikede järv koos üksiku musta, väidetavalt naftareostuse üle elanud ja nende viimase isasega.

Sellist vahvat kava on juba mitu aastat õhtu alguses rahvale pakutud ja paljud tulevadki vaid seda vaatama, et siis edasi mõnele teisele ja suuremale tulele minna. Sel aastal pakkus kindlasti huvi Sõru oma vanade puupaatide esinemisega.
Aga pidu käib hetkel täies hoos ja kui sõnum ja pildid edastatud ja varbad sooja saanud, lähen minagi uuesti tagasi. Kuna minu ülesanne oli asi filmilindile saada, siis toimetasin aparatuuri tagasi.

Meil muide ei sadanud! Ja päeval leidsin esimese metsmaasika ja esimesed õied oli avanud ka jasmiin. Suvi!
When we walked with Derri, I found first wild strawberry. And jasmin had opened first blossom. Real summer has started!

neljapäev, juuni 22

Eile aitasin ühel väliseestlasel tema suvekodus uue kanga telgedele rakendada. Üllatuseks selgus, et rootslased käärivad ( ta oli kanga Roostsis käärida lasknud) vaid ühe vahelikuristi, seega tuli natuke topelttööd teha. Kangas sai siiski üles ja paistis üsna korras olevat.
Kõpust tagasi tulle põikasin läbi meie orhideedeaiast Kõrgessaares. Seal peaks olema neid 10 liiki. Mina nägin vist 4 või 5 liiki õitsemas. Pildid ei tulnud eriti head, sest ilm kiskus pilve ja paari tunni pärast oli valgusefektidega vihm ka platsis.

Yesterday I helped one Estonian who lives in Sweden in Stockholm and has summerhouse on Hiiumaa, to put up new yarn on the loom. There was some difference between Estonian and Swedish wrapping yarn, and I had to do some works again but now she can weave what she wants.
When I came back from Kõpu I visited local short but atractive orchid trail. In small area are growing 11 protected species – ten different orchids and a composite, Serratula tinctoria. All species are natural and not planted. Island of Hiiumaa is very rich in species – here have been recorded about 1000 species of vascular plants, 86 of them are protected. In Estonia can be found 37 different orchids, 31 species are growing on Hiiumaa
Tonight is first Midsummer day party here. Tomorrow is actually right day, but everyone want to do they own fire and party and because of that is so early start.

Wikipedia say:" Estonians celebrate "Jaaniõhtu" ("John's Night" in English) on the eve of the Summer Solstice with bonfires. On the islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, old fishing boats may be burnt in the large pyres set ablaze. The celebrations that accompany Jaaniohtu are the largest and most important of the year"

esmaspäev, juuni 19

Knit Sock Kit Swap questionnaire

What are your favorite colors? My absolute favorite is green, but I also like marine blue and yellow. Orange, red, violet and other colors if they are pastel and “warm”
Are you a new sock knitter? How long have you been knitting socks? I’m defiantly not new knitter. My grandmother taught me to knit before I went to school. My first socks I knitted in school. I think I was about 13 years old. It was …well… over 19 years ago.
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? I really like all types of yarn but I have work mostly with solid yarns
What fibers do you prefer in sock yarn? I prefer natural fibers, but if there is something interesting for effect then I use it. I am open to anything and I have no fiber allergies.
Where do you usually knit socks? I knit socks when I need these, so mostly I knit in my home - on the couch watching TV . But when I studied in university I have done it also on the road
How do you usually carry/store small projects? In home I have little basket, on the roads I use quilted bag which I made myself
What are your favorite sock knitting patterns? I like just about everything - lace patterns, cabled patterns, colorwork.
What are your favorite sock knitting techniques? I do cuff-down socks
What new techniques would you like to try?
Magic loop! I keep hearing about it but haven't found where you learn to do it. Also I haven’t tried toe-up socks and I definitely want to try it! My knitting is all about learning new techniques and tricks!
Do you prefer circulars or dpns for sock knitting? I prefer dpns
What are some of your favorite yarns? It’s hard to say, I have tried only wool from local woolmill and Novita yarns.
What yarn do you totally covet? Well…read last answer J
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? All of these
Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? I mostly use aluminum dpns. I use a of everything, but It depends a lot upon what type of a yarn I am working on
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? wool maybe
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack?
I love dark chocolate and I am coffee drinker
What’s your favorite animal? Definitely horses and dogs
Do you have pets? What are their species/names/ages? Yes I do. In our home is dog Derri, who is 10 years old. She is kind of Siberian husky. Oldest cat is Pessi, she is already 13, her grandson Pädi is 8 and her two young sons are Leks and Toru. They are 9 months old. We also have some farm-animals (not pets, but...) like cow, 5 lambs, two calves and two coats.+ lots of animals who lives around on the forest.
If you were a color what color would you be? Green maybe
Describe your favorite shirt (yours or someone else’s) It must be linen, comfortable and fit well J
What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? I love nature that’s why everything is inspiring me
Tell me the best quote you’ve ever heard or read. Well, I try to translate it from Estonian poem. Even lizards way leave a mark on the stone.
Do you have a wishlist? I use the one at
Nonii..pikka aega pole midagi siia lisanud. Olen tegelenud huvitavatesse projektidesseregistreerimisega. Hakkan osa võtma sokikompleti vahetusest ja Flat Scouti'le Hiiumaad tutvustama. Ainus probleem on et nüüd pean iga nädal inglise keelseid tekste kirjutama :)

teisipäev, juuni 13

I found these beautiful bags from tiny happy blog. Pattern was very simple and I also made one bag. Here it is. Model is my colleauge.
Leidsin selle koti mustri tiny happi blogist. Muidugi ei saanud tegemata jätta. Ja kuna tema loos oli üleskutse, et kõik, kes sellise koti teeksid, ka seda näitaksid, siis siin see on.
Veidi teeksin parandusi. Kott võiks olla sügavam (ise muidugi õmblesin enda oma põhja liiga laiaks), ja veidi liimiriiet tasuks ka kasutada õlapaelas. Aga töö oli lihtne ja kiire...üle 1,5 tunni mul ei kulunud.

esmaspäev, juuni 12

Tisha kuulutas oma blogis välja UFOde (Un-Finished Objects) võistluse, kutsudes käsitöötegijaid üles otsima ja pildistama seisma äänud poolikuid töid. Ei saanud minagi sellest üleskutsest üle ega ümber ja laupäeva õhtul kraamisin kappidest poolikud asjad välja. OH HÄBI! nii palju teisi :( Igatahes selgus et kige vanem allesolev tikkimistöö küünlaga on pärit ajast u 19-20 aastat tagasi ja tehtud kooliajal (nii u 7klass). Tean,et kuskil samast ajast on ka tikitud hobusepeaga padjakate, mis padjaks pole saanud, aga seda ei leidnud enam üles. Uuemad on varasügisest, kui ema veel oma jalga murdnud polnud ja ma lisaks koolitööle karjamajandusega ei tegelenud.
Tegelikult on üleskutse idee hea, nüüd ehk saab mõnigi asi lõpuni tehtud või uue ideega tublisti muudetud.
Nüüd pean aga oma puu-inglise keelega selle jutu ka ümber panema. Andke siis vead andeks :)

Tisha has a UFO (Un-Finished Objects) Contest and she invite crafters flash UFOs .
Well, so I did.
What a shame! Do I really have them so many?
Oldest is embroidery and it is about 20 years old. I started it when I was in 7th grade.

Macrame is about 12 years old, and it should be something for my flowers. (to hang them up). Moste of things are 12-9 years old. Youngest are quilts. These I started in autumn. Then my Mom broke her leg and I had to milk our two cows beside my work.

Some of these things just waiting better idea (rug on loom), or good fabric (quilts) and some needs better figure ;-)

I know that I have more UFO's , but these are in my classroom and I use these as a samples. (I'm craft teacher). I'm glad that don't have to tell that to my students :)

To be honest- this contest is very good idea. I had to take all my UFOs out and look over and I belive that some of these will find a new life and some I will finish soon.