Täna tuleb palju pilte, sest paari päeva tegemised vajavad näitamist :)
Eile käisin koos Liia ja Silli-Maiga memm-taadi päeval töötuba tegemas.
Liia oli teinud ilusad lilled näidiseks. Liia with beautiful felted flowers
Võib õelda, et olime popid, sest isegi vee joomiseks ei olnud aega. Õpetasime huvilistele nõelaga viltimist ja paelte punumist. Tundub, et õpilased olid rahul.
Yesterday was eldre people day for me. I and my two good friends and co-workers had workshop on eldre people party. We teached needlefelting and braids. I think that our "students" were happy to learn new things. Only bad thing was weather. When I came back ( it was about 16.00), my car showed me these numbers...and it is not normal for us :) Just too much!
Ilm oli absoluutselt võimatu. Auto näitas mulle selliseid numbreid kella nelja ajal kui Kärdlast tulema hakkasin. Ilm on minu ja ka Derri jaoks liiga kuum.
Even Derry is so...tired. And wild bees must be living ventilators. Half houre late there were 12 bees. Put bees didn't want to be models, so I couldn't make another photo :) I had to run after that already.
Metsmesilased tegid sel aastal oma pesa maja vodri vahele ja kuna õhtul paistab päike peale, siis saadetakse mõned vaprad sõdurid elavaks ventilaatoriks. Pool tundi hiljem oli neid juba kümmekond, aga kuna selle pildi tegemise ajal pidid kiired jalad mind päästma (nad ei tahtnud pildile) siis uuesti katsetama ei läinud.
On thurstay we finished our hay making. This year it went quickly.
Something is happend with our cherrytrees and soon (maybe next week already) we can eat fresh potatos.
1 kommentaar:
I'm packing my bags and coming to visit! Fresh cherries and even better, fresh potatoes. I can't resist that! ;)
It also is a nice idea to teach elder people new skills.
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